Thursday, July 23, 2020

How To Attract Women Easily (Without Talking) Articles Provided as noted by attribution.

How to attract women? It’s the question on every man’s mind.

Many try, yet few succeed.

The sad fact is that most men will screw up before the conversation even starts!

What’s a fella to do?

man attracting a woman

What if I told you that you could seduce a woman without opening your mouth?

It sounds crazy, but it’s possible.

Today we’re covering how to attract women without saying a word. 

This article is brought to you by Roman – the embarrassment-free erectile dysfunction treatment. With Roman there are no waiting rooms, awkward face-to-face conversations, or uncomfortable trips to the pharmacy. You can handle everything discreetly online.

All you have to do is chat with a licensed US doctor, and get genuine medication delivered to your door in discreet, unmarked packaging, with free 2-day shipping. ED is a problem that guys don’t tackle, but with Roman, it’s simple and secure. Click here to get $15 off your first order with Roman.


Click Here To Watch The Video – 10 Ways To GRAB Her Attention Without Saying A Word
Alright gents, let’s get into it…

  1. Make adjustments in public
  2. Touch your lips
  3. Take up space
  4. Literally, hold your ground
  5. Make eye contact
  6. Strut your shoulders
  7. Dress sharp!
  8. Show social proof
  9. Wear a signature scent
  10. Use the right gestures


1. Make Final Adjustments In Public

You looked at her, she looked at you. She made the first move and is coming straight at you – what do you do?

It’s time to indulge in your vanity just a little and make a couple of final adjustments to your appearance. This can mean running your hand through your hair, adjusting your collar, or fixing your tie.

making adjustments in public how to attract girls

Some quick fixes to yourself and your outfit will tell her you’re interested.

Little things like this show the lady in question that not only do you care about your looks but that you care about looking your best for her.

It’s a strong indicator of mutual attraction, and it’s bound to get the conversation off to a strong start.

Just don’t overdo it. If you spend eons checking yourself, she’s going to cross another weirdo off her list.


2. Lick And Touch Your Lips

When it comes to how to attract women subtly, this tip is king.

While you’re conversing with her and you feel like you’re vibing well, briefly touch your lips. This can be a soft tap or short glide of your fingers.

This draws attention to your mouth and – if she’s interested – invokes images of kissing you, enticing her further.

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A low-key gesture toward your lips will get her thinking about kissing them.

Again, remember to do this sparingly. Don’t go rubbing your lips like a lunatic!


3. Take Up Space

When you think of domination in the Animal Kingdom, what do you see? A lion’s mane, a bear standing on its hind legs, a gorilla puffing and beating his chest. What do these all have in common? Space. 

Animals will always try to make themselves appear much larger than normal in order to subjugate other males and impress mates. To some degree, this applies to us as well.

man taking up space waiting for a lady

The more space you take up, the more dominant you appear.

What are some ways you can take up space? Spread your legs apart a little. If the seat next to you is empty, put your arm around it.

Power and status are established by manipulating your space gents, remember that. She’ll notice you before the guy next to you.


4. Stand Your Ground

How to attract women in the simplest way possible? Don’t move.

No, this doesn’t mean freeze, but it does mean not to move away from the woman you’re interested in.

Whether it be when she first approaches you or several minutes into the conversation, it’s important to let her determine how close she wants to get.

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Click here for some tips on how to look powerful just by standing straight!

If she tries to get inside a little and you recoil, it immediately tells her you’re not interested – whether it was out of shyness or not.


5. Make Eye Contact

A person’s eyes are powerful communicators. With a simple look, you can make another feel recognized and validated.

A 2002 study out of MIT found that even as infants, we follow our parents’ eyes before anything else.

The power of the eyes is ingrained. It’s no wonder, then, that it’s one of your chief tools of seduction.

zoomed in eye

Keeping eye contact with her is a great way to showcase respect and conviction.

Keeping a stalwart gaze showcases strength and confidence, but the minute you glance away you’re conveying weakness and insecurity.

Like in all things, balance is key. Don’t stare at her like The Joker about to commit a crime.

Click here to read our our article – 21 Eye Contact Rules.


6. Strut Your Shoulders And Walk With Confidence

A 2007 study from Texas A&M University revealed that men with so-called “shoulder swagger” are considered over 50% more attractive.

While moving, make sure to sway our shoulders back and forth. Like previous gestures we’ve discussed, doing this right makes a man exude power through his walk.

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One excellent example of this is the entirety of the show Suits. One of the main characters, Harvey Specter, epitomizes the clean-cut and powerful male archetype. As he walks in tailored suits, he consistently sways his shoulders back and forth – commanding everyone’s attention as he goes by.

Daniel Craig’s Bond also does this well. Though, the scene where it’s most prominent is Casino Royale where he’s emerging from the water at the beach. Even without dressing well, you can see how imposing it makes him look.


7. Dress Sharp

Gentlemen, it shouldn’t surprise you that women are attracted to well-dressed men.

There’s no way to do the subject any justice in one measly section, but remember that you can’t go wrong with clean, wrinkle-free clothing that fits well.

custom suit fit

Dressing well is one of the most important strategies to garnering a woman’s attention.

For starters, stick to a pair of fitted jeans, a button-down, and some casual shoes – preferably Chelsea or Chukka boots.


8. Show Social proof

Surrounding yourself with people who accept you ups your social prestige, and thus your likelihood to attract a lady without saying a word to her.

Don’t believe me? Let’s refer to a 2015 study out of Whitman College. The survey proved overwhelmingly that potential partners with peer reviews were strongly preferred over those with no reviews at all – regardless of looks.

female friends how to attract girls

If you show up with friends – especially female friends – you incite curiosity in nearby singles.

This means that it’s time to take the boys out for drinks. To put it candidly, every friend you have a good time with is another person that doesn’t consider you a freak – and women notice this.


9. Wear Your Signature Scent

As you’d imagine, how you smell plays a pivotal role in how to attract women without speaking to them.

As humans, we rely on scent to form an assessment of others. This is especially true for women, who boast over 40% more olfactory cells in the brain than we do. That’s right gents; they can easily pick up on your scent.

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Wanting to smell great this summer? Click here for a list of the best summer fragrances.

Since our natural odor mixes with fragrance to create a unique scent, it’s up to you to pick a cologne that resonates and put it to good use.

Don’t overdo it, though. Two or three squirts should be more than enough to be pleasant for the ladies.


10. Use The Right Gestures

My last tip on how to attract women without a word? Make her comfortable with the right gestures.

This comes out of a 2011 study from the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. In it, researchers discovered that people tend to adopt one of two social stances:

  • Promotion Focus: The person feels optimistic, hopeful, and open about you.
  • Prevention Focus: The person is cautious, mistrusting, and vigilant.
conversation date

When you start the conversation, make sure to keep open body language.

With you as a stranger, she will likely adopt a prevention focus at first. It’s up to you to get her into the promotion stage.

Do this by using precise and small gestures. Use slower movements and speech, and lean back – away from her.

Don’t clench your fists, don’t keep your hands in your pockets, and don’t cross your arms. These gestures put out a hostile and unfriendly vibe. Avoid these and you’ll be on the right track.


Summary – How To Attract Women Easily (Without Talking)

So let’s review how to attract a woman without saying a word.

  1. Make adjustments in public
  2. Touch your lips
  3. Take up space
  4. Literally, hold your ground
  5. Make eye contact
  6. Strut your shoulders
  7. Dress sharp!
  8. Show social proof
  9. Wear a signature scent
  10. Use the right gestures

Talking to women isn’t as hard as we hype it up to be. In essence, it boils down to being a normal guy who isn’t a creeper. Regardless though, these silent tips will take your dating game to the next level.


This article is brought to you by Roman – the embarrassment-free erectile dysfunction treatment. With Roman there are no waiting rooms, awkward face-to-face conversations, or uncomfortable trips to the pharmacy. You can handle everything discreetly online.

All you have to do is chat with a licensed US doctor, and get genuine medication delivered to your door in discreet, unmarked packaging, with free 2-day shipping. ED is a problem that guys don’t tackle, but with Roman, it’s simple and secure. Click here to get $15 off your first order with Roman.

The post How To Attract Women Easily (Without Talking) appeared first on Real Men Real Style.

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By: Antonio
Title: How To Attract Women Easily (Without Talking)
Sourced From:
Published Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 11:55:18 +0000

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The post How To Attract Women Easily (Without Talking) appeared first on MansBrand.

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